Book "Aqidatul Lay" is a little book that breaks down on the main points of belief in Islam is commonly called the "aqaid fifty". Aqaid that is the rationale of the nahdliyyin. The material is shaped or nazham composed sya'ir very beautiful by its author (Sayyid Ahmad al-Marzuqi) and is familiar to students.
To facilitate understanding of this book, MKA need to translate and provide Sharh (explanation) are quoted from various books, hoping to contribute in preserving the teachings of Islam Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah.
Book Aqidatul Layman is one book that studies of aqidah and tawhid to the layman. Book Aqidatul Layman consists of sya'ir-sya'ir (nadzhom) made by Shaykh Ahmad Marzuqi. This book memjelaskan ahlussunnah wal aqidah pilgrims. The materials contained in the book lay aqidah, among others:
+. Mandatory nature, impossible, and Jaiz for Allah
+. Mandatory nature, impossible, and Jaiz Messenger
+. The names of the Apostles and Angels that must be known
+. The story of the Prophet Muhammad
+. The name of the father, mother, wife, and sons and daughters of the Prophet Muhammad
+. Isra Mi'raj
Translation of Complete Application Aqidatul Layman This contains a description of the translation and Syarh Book Aqidatul Laity. This application can facilitate you in learning the lay aqidah.
For my fellow Muslims who want to learn basic aqidah in Islam, especially learning about ahlussunnah wal aqidah pilgrims, can install applications Aqidatul Layman Complete Translations of this.
Translation of the Book of Monotheism 'Aqidatul' Public works Syeich Ahmad Al Marzuki.
Aqidatul Layman is a guidance monotheism be understood and believed by every Muslim.
Telling about the properties of Alah (the mandatory nature, characteristics and properties impossible allowed but not required), the properties of Rasul (the mandatory nature, nature allowed but not required, and the nature of Ma'sum), the names of the Prophets, and Scriptures of Allah, the angels , faith in the end of the day, Isra 'and mi'raj, the story of the Prophet Muhammad, and others.
failitas in the Book application Aqidatul Layman + Translations are as follows;
+. OFFLINE based applications, you can run without an internet connection
+. This application is light, due to the small size of fileny arelatif
+. use the copy and paste facilities
+. falilitas will berambah renewal
+. Free, aka unpaid
+. Share to friends via social media
Book application may Aqidatul Layman + Translate this be of benefit to us all, please give us advice in the development process, please send it via email us at:
To facilitate understanding of this book, MKA need to translate and provide Sharh (explanation) are quoted from various books, hoping to contribute in preserving the teachings of Islam Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah.
Book Aqidatul Layman is one book that studies of aqidah and tawhid to the layman. Book Aqidatul Layman consists of sya'ir-sya'ir (nadzhom) made by Shaykh Ahmad Marzuqi. This book memjelaskan ahlussunnah wal aqidah pilgrims. The materials contained in the book lay aqidah, among others:
+. Mandatory nature, impossible, and Jaiz for Allah
+. Mandatory nature, impossible, and Jaiz Messenger
+. The names of the Apostles and Angels that must be known
+. The story of the Prophet Muhammad
+. The name of the father, mother, wife, and sons and daughters of the Prophet Muhammad
+. Isra Mi'raj
Translation of Complete Application Aqidatul Layman This contains a description of the translation and Syarh Book Aqidatul Laity. This application can facilitate you in learning the lay aqidah.
For my fellow Muslims who want to learn basic aqidah in Islam, especially learning about ahlussunnah wal aqidah pilgrims, can install applications Aqidatul Layman Complete Translations of this.
Translation of the Book of Monotheism 'Aqidatul' Public works Syeich Ahmad Al Marzuki.
Aqidatul Layman is a guidance monotheism be understood and believed by every Muslim.
Telling about the properties of Alah (the mandatory nature, characteristics and properties impossible allowed but not required), the properties of Rasul (the mandatory nature, nature allowed but not required, and the nature of Ma'sum), the names of the Prophets, and Scriptures of Allah, the angels , faith in the end of the day, Isra 'and mi'raj, the story of the Prophet Muhammad, and others.
failitas in the Book application Aqidatul Layman + Translations are as follows;
+. OFFLINE based applications, you can run without an internet connection
+. This application is light, due to the small size of fileny arelatif
+. use the copy and paste facilities
+. falilitas will berambah renewal
+. Free, aka unpaid
+. Share to friends via social media
Book application may Aqidatul Layman + Translate this be of benefit to us all, please give us advice in the development process, please send it via email us at:
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