Introducing Sound Healing for Star Seeds. A Galactic Sonic Journey Connecting you to your Star Seed Guides through Sound, Visuals and Guided Meditations.
Taking you on an extraordinary Meditative, Sound and Visual Journey through a Virtual Reality Experience without the VR Glasses, Connecting you to The Great Star Nations!
The Star Nations have been here since before the beginning of this earth, and have watched over Humanity and walked beside you as guides. Some of these ancient star beings surround you in your oceans as much of your sea life. Such as whales, Crabs, Seals, and many other sea creatures. They manifested in the oceans as a way to not scare humanity, yet they can still influence the consciousness and human intelligence into a higher vibration of love and unity consciousness through the water. The Star Nations placed many star maps in the oceans and keys to the future so that when you swim or come near the water you can gather much from what has been encoded into the oceans.
At this time it is important that you connect to your star origins, your source star and invite us to come and guide you. Throughout this app you will be guided on many galactic Sound and Visual journeys throughout your galaxy. Relax deep into your breath and allow your Consciousness to experience the encoded light messages. Each journey is filled with Tachyon light particles which will assist you in your bilocated journeys to each of the star systems That are Digitally Projected here. The divine purpose of star seeds is to assist the human race in raising their frequencies to the fifth dimension and reaching the Golden Age. With their healing powers, advanced technological knowledge, and clear vision for the future, star seeds are catalysts of change to create harmony on the planet. As you Remember and open your Star Seed connections, these sound frequencies can assist you on your journey.
Each frequency in the menu list has a description button on the right side, when you press this button the description will come up with information about the star race or galaxy the frequency is tuning you into. In the Beginning, It is suggested that you go through the menu and use your intuition to select the star race energy you feel most guided to. These Sound Frequencies are carefully curated using etherial instrumentation, connected to a quantum Holographic frequency device that directly connects with the pure energy of each sound healing frequency that is created.
Use your intuition and you will be guided perfectly by the sound and you will get inspired by the guides that appear to you as you become more acquainted with your Star Seed origin and contacts. It is advised to use headphones and lay down in a comfortable position.
As you Explore this advanced Star Seed Contact Tool allow your imagination to soar and return yourself to the spark of pure star consciousness that you were before you incarnated on this earth. You may begin to get divine inspiration and guidance from your star guides and your galactic memory might be triggered and activated to come online and gift you with the incredible sight of your past, present and future selves, giving you the strength, of your inherited galactic tools and source codes.
©Quantum Frequency Technologies AI INC.
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Taking you on an extraordinary Meditative, Sound and Visual Journey through a Virtual Reality Experience without the VR Glasses, Connecting you to The Great Star Nations!
The Star Nations have been here since before the beginning of this earth, and have watched over Humanity and walked beside you as guides. Some of these ancient star beings surround you in your oceans as much of your sea life. Such as whales, Crabs, Seals, and many other sea creatures. They manifested in the oceans as a way to not scare humanity, yet they can still influence the consciousness and human intelligence into a higher vibration of love and unity consciousness through the water. The Star Nations placed many star maps in the oceans and keys to the future so that when you swim or come near the water you can gather much from what has been encoded into the oceans.
At this time it is important that you connect to your star origins, your source star and invite us to come and guide you. Throughout this app you will be guided on many galactic Sound and Visual journeys throughout your galaxy. Relax deep into your breath and allow your Consciousness to experience the encoded light messages. Each journey is filled with Tachyon light particles which will assist you in your bilocated journeys to each of the star systems That are Digitally Projected here. The divine purpose of star seeds is to assist the human race in raising their frequencies to the fifth dimension and reaching the Golden Age. With their healing powers, advanced technological knowledge, and clear vision for the future, star seeds are catalysts of change to create harmony on the planet. As you Remember and open your Star Seed connections, these sound frequencies can assist you on your journey.
Each frequency in the menu list has a description button on the right side, when you press this button the description will come up with information about the star race or galaxy the frequency is tuning you into. In the Beginning, It is suggested that you go through the menu and use your intuition to select the star race energy you feel most guided to. These Sound Frequencies are carefully curated using etherial instrumentation, connected to a quantum Holographic frequency device that directly connects with the pure energy of each sound healing frequency that is created.
Use your intuition and you will be guided perfectly by the sound and you will get inspired by the guides that appear to you as you become more acquainted with your Star Seed origin and contacts. It is advised to use headphones and lay down in a comfortable position.
As you Explore this advanced Star Seed Contact Tool allow your imagination to soar and return yourself to the spark of pure star consciousness that you were before you incarnated on this earth. You may begin to get divine inspiration and guidance from your star guides and your galactic memory might be triggered and activated to come online and gift you with the incredible sight of your past, present and future selves, giving you the strength, of your inherited galactic tools and source codes.
©Quantum Frequency Technologies AI INC.
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