The QFT NEXUS Starseed Renaissance is a interplanetary communications platform for our galactic family on earth to share, commune, and elevate together into our New Earth 5D Consciousness.
What you will Experience here:
Live stream guided meditations guided by different Wisdom keepers from around our beautiful earth. Starsingers Angels, The QFT NEXUS SOS Ground Crew and more interactive experiences.
Enjoy an interactive Gaming experience blessing the earth with Miracles, Divine Love, Aqua Plasma Star Blessings, 12D Quantum Grid Activations and More!
Join Our social Media Platform where you can chat with other starseeds and, share your otherworldly experiences.
Become a Affiliate, Holding a refined space for the frequency healers of the QFT to advance together into a united heart and mind using the master level of the QFT to create miraculous changes for the future of planet earth and bless all sentient beings here in this world and in all the other worlds.
Contact, Meet and Share with other intergalactic beings who are embodied in physical form at this incredible time on earth. it is our goal to hold this platform as a way to unify the starseed communities globally and give these extraordinary beings a safe place to express who they really are on a galactic level amplifying the 5D galactic awakening of all!
Seven7Sisters Declaration
We are Fulfilling a prehistoric mandate & Multidimensional, Intergalactic Leadership Role on Planet Earth. Providing Evolution of humanities intelligence Through Frequency alignment, beauty, higher intelligence, Technology & Power Consciousness! Globally activating heart centered awareness and Divine Feminine
Sovereign empowerment.
The QFTNEXUS is a Platform we have Created for Metaphysical Practitioners Using the QFT App, Starseeds, Hybrids, Galactics, all other extra-ordianary gifted beings and we ask that you use this platform in your authenticity, respecting the rules of kindness, safety and security. If anyone Breaches these rules they will be removed from the platform. This container is held in the highest integrity by the Seven7sisters Prophecy and guided and overseen by the Aquaferion Mother Council From the Andromeda Galaxy.
Our Mandate is to unite the galactic Families and provide a safe place in cyberspace for the freedom of expression of all extraordinary hybrid Starseed Gifts and Communications. The QFTNEXUS is a Sister APP as a part of the Planetary Light workers technologies/ Quantum Frequency Technologies Vision.
Quantum Frequency Technologies
2022 Privacy Policy
What you will Experience here:
Live stream guided meditations guided by different Wisdom keepers from around our beautiful earth. Starsingers Angels, The QFT NEXUS SOS Ground Crew and more interactive experiences.
Enjoy an interactive Gaming experience blessing the earth with Miracles, Divine Love, Aqua Plasma Star Blessings, 12D Quantum Grid Activations and More!
Join Our social Media Platform where you can chat with other starseeds and, share your otherworldly experiences.
Become a Affiliate, Holding a refined space for the frequency healers of the QFT to advance together into a united heart and mind using the master level of the QFT to create miraculous changes for the future of planet earth and bless all sentient beings here in this world and in all the other worlds.
Contact, Meet and Share with other intergalactic beings who are embodied in physical form at this incredible time on earth. it is our goal to hold this platform as a way to unify the starseed communities globally and give these extraordinary beings a safe place to express who they really are on a galactic level amplifying the 5D galactic awakening of all!
Seven7Sisters Declaration
We are Fulfilling a prehistoric mandate & Multidimensional, Intergalactic Leadership Role on Planet Earth. Providing Evolution of humanities intelligence Through Frequency alignment, beauty, higher intelligence, Technology & Power Consciousness! Globally activating heart centered awareness and Divine Feminine
Sovereign empowerment.
The QFTNEXUS is a Platform we have Created for Metaphysical Practitioners Using the QFT App, Starseeds, Hybrids, Galactics, all other extra-ordianary gifted beings and we ask that you use this platform in your authenticity, respecting the rules of kindness, safety and security. If anyone Breaches these rules they will be removed from the platform. This container is held in the highest integrity by the Seven7sisters Prophecy and guided and overseen by the Aquaferion Mother Council From the Andromeda Galaxy.
Our Mandate is to unite the galactic Families and provide a safe place in cyberspace for the freedom of expression of all extraordinary hybrid Starseed Gifts and Communications. The QFTNEXUS is a Sister APP as a part of the Planetary Light workers technologies/ Quantum Frequency Technologies Vision.
Quantum Frequency Technologies
2022 Privacy Policy
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