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Kitab Imrithi dan Terjemah

Ari Riyanto
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About Kitab Imrithi dan Terjemah

the Imrithi book is one of the books that explains how to read the yellow book easily and simply.
This small book written by Sheikh Syarafuddin Yahya Al-Imrithi has become teaching material in various Islamic boarding schools and madrasas that study Arabic grammar.

The strand of motivation in Nadhom Al-Imrithi. Nahwu science is the entry point for reading and understanding other books that discuss sharia, faith, monotheism, and others.

Among the students, the Imrithi book has become one of the favorite sorogan and advanced Arabic grammar tools. Generally given after the stages of the Ajurumiyah Book can be memorized and understood properly. Because it is in the form of a nadhom (poetry), it must be discussed in a way that is memorized by each santri to make it easier to remember every change and position of sentences discussed in the yellow book.

The Imrithi book feature in this application also makes it easier for users to be able to study the Imrithi book easily and simply, and can be used in the grip of a cellphone.

The author of the Book of Ta'lim al-Muta'allim Ila Thariqah al-Ta'allum, Shaykh Burhanuddin Al-Zarnuji (d 620 H/1223 AD), revealed an effective way of learning for Muslim students and santri so that "Every lesson should be learned by rote memorization. , only then understand it.
After memorizing and understanding, then take notes.
Do not take notes before understanding because it will be a waste of time.

Nadhom Imrithi totals around 204 verses. In this book, there is also Nadhom Maqshud by Shaykh Ahmad bin Abdurrahim. Nazam Maqshud contains around 113 verses of poetry, which contain changes (i'rab) sentences in Arabic.

Shaykh Syarafuddin al-Imrithi begins the discussion of his book with the chapter al-Kalam. In this book, the author mentions the definition of kalam (sentence). "Kalamuhu lafzhun mufidun musnadin, wal sentence al-lafzhul mufidu al-mufradu. Li ismin, wa fi'lin tsumma harfin tanqasim. Wa hadzihi tsalatsuha hiya al-kalam.” which means: Kalam is a pronunciation that gives continuous benefits. And, sentences are mufrad words (self) that provide benefits (meanings). The word is divided into three, namely isim, fiil and letters, that is the division. And, those three divisions are what is called kalam.

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