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Kitab Dalail Wushul

Ari Riyanto
500+ downloads

About Kitab Dalail Wushul

This application contains a PDF of the book المختارية - Shalawat Dalailulwushul which contains prayers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the form of Daily Wirid starting from Friday wirid to Thursday.

The application was created with the aim of making distribution easier and easier to use.

About the Book
Shaykh Mukhtar certified Nati Sajidah Jalaluddin in reading, giving certificates to those who are entitled, and printing the Book of Dalailulwushul ilaa Hadratirrasul لى الله ليه لم or what is called Al-Mukhtariyah, without changing its contents.

Title :
الئل الوصول ل الرسول املسمة املختارية
Writer :
الشيخ املختار احلسن احلاج
Ash-Shaykh Mukhtar Mohamed Al-Hassan Al-Hagg
Darussalam Printing
Test-Reading (Proofreading):
Shaikh Dr. Mansour El-Sideeg
Shaikh Acep Hilman Miftahurojak
Nati Sajidah
Family Charity Saleh Darussalam
Darussalam Ciwiday Islamic Boarding School, Bandung, West Java - Indonesia 2022

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