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Kumpulan Kitab Kuning

Ari Riyanto
50,000+ downloads

About Kumpulan Kitab Kuning

The Yellow Book Collection application and its translation is an application that contains a collection of yellow books and their translations.

An application was made with the aim of adding to Islamic insight, remembering after the lecture, and there must still be a supervising teacher and remain guided by teachers / teaching uastadz who have scientific sanad.

Contains a collection of yellow books that are commonly studied and studied in various Islamic boarding schools (madrasas).
You can get the yellow book collection in just one small and light application.

The application is completely offline and does not require internet connection at all to run.

Feature :

- Collection of Multiple Books
- Arabic & Translation
- Accompanied by an explanation
- Arabic text
- Using Custom Arabic Fonts
- Block, Copy & Paste features
- Light & Fast
- Small size
- Full Offline

The following is a list of the yellow books in this application:
1. Complete Book of Al Hikam + Translation (1st Al Hikam to -169)
Discusses monotheism and morals that lead to Islamic Sufism. Al-Hikam are brilliant pearls to increase spiritual awareness,
the contents of the book al-Hikam which contains the wisdom of Ibn Athaillah, so that our lives become meaningful,
serene and beautiful. al-Hikam provides direction for the faithful to walk towards Allah SWT, Kitab al-Hikam is seen as a heavyweight book not only because of its highly literary sentence structure, but also the depth of makrifat conveyed through its short sentences. It is a book whose language is extraordinarily beautiful. Words and meanings support each other giving birth to electrifying expressions.

2. Complete Book of Alfiyah Ibn Malik + Translation
The book of Alfiyyah ibn Malik is a very phenomenal book in discussing the rules of the Arabic language. The book written by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Malik Alandalusy Rahimmahullah has been used by many scholars around the world. It even becomes the main reference in learning the rules of the Arabic language. Before studying Alfiyyah ibn Malik, one should study more basic books such as Al Ajjurumiyyah and Mutammimah Al Ajurumiyyah.

3. Complete Book of Fathul Qorib + Translation
This book is very popular among Islamic boarding schools spread across the archipelago. The book, entitled Fathul Qorib, has become an idol for novice students or Muslims who are just learning fiqh. In fact, Al-Azhar University in Egypt makes it a mandatory book that must be studied.

4. Complete Qurrotuuyul Uyun Book + Translation
Of the several books that discuss marriage and husband-wife relationships, one of the most famous is the Qurrotul Uyun book.

5. Complete Book of Riyadhus Shalihin + Translation (Chapter 1 to Chapter 372)
Contains hadiths, taken from famous hadith books such as Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah, An-Nasa'i, and Ahmad. Imam Nawawi himself was determined to avoid the Hadiths which he thought were Dhaif.

6. The Book of Safinatu Najah + Translation
Is a concise book on the basics of jurisprudence according to the Shafi'i school. This book is intended for students and beginners so that it only contains the conclusions of fiqh law without including the arguments and the basis for taking the arguments in determining the law.

7. Complete Book of Ta'lim Muta'alim + Translation (1st chapter to 13th chapter)
It is a mandatory book for pesantren students. The book contains the importance of students having knowledge of etiquette towards teachers, and in seeking knowledge, and practicing it, is the main key for students to be successful.

The application is made with the best design for easy navigation and user experience.
Hopefully useful, and can be a guide for students to learn various sciences in Islam.