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AAG Mobile Application
1,000+ downloads

About Qwan

As a sales person, meeting the topic of meeting sales goals is probably familiar to you. On the other hand, the difficulty of accessing the information and not providing the tools that will help you meet the task are familiar to you as well.
We assume that more than once the data and feedback have been sent to you in retrospect or when there is not too much time left to correct and improve.

This is where the QWAN app comes into the picture

An innovative and fun application that allows you to report your performance directly through your mobile phone.
Our platform interfaces with the company's information systems, so that by scanning the product's barcode or adding it directly at the time of sale, it is guaranteed that the sale is recorded on you, once it has been approved.
Our app allows you to see and test your performance at a time convenient to you, at any given moment.
Participation in individual and group sales competitions carries prizes, if and when organized by your employer.
We give you more!
Participate in formation games with your co-workers, if and when defined by your employer.
"Knowledge is power" - receiving PUSH messages that will be used to help you - professional guides, information about products you sell, messages from your employer and more.
Depending on your performance, you will start accumulating QWAN coins that you can use to purchase benefit coupons that will appear in your app and change from time to time.
For the avoidance of doubt, redeeming the coupons does not cost you money!
The coupons are given to you as a bonus.
We believe that using our app will provide you with tools that will help you maximize your performance, while maintaining a pleasant and interesting work environment.

Qwan Screenshots