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Amdocs MyCar Service Provider

AAG Mobile Application
50+ downloads

About Amdocs MyCar Service Provider

Amdocs MyCar mobile apps are 3 mobile applications for self-service E-ticketing platform with 120 business processes in the fleet Vehicle Service

This App's enables real-time communication between Fleet managers, Fleet drivers & their service providers with a click of a button. Allowing you to control all vehicles and drivers' aspects using a smartphone. [MyCar Driver | MyCar Fleet manager | MyCar service provider]

By using "AAG Mobile Application" solution, Amdocs transportation department improve their user experience for service call's (Ticket's) with this new app in various fields for better managerial performances.

By using the App Transportation Model, the user can:
# Open a service Ticket
# Report a car accident
# Contact the SOS service center and report road troubles and SOS issues
# Search & Navigate for service centers like garages and tire shops
# See the car information
# allows an Amdocs employee to rent a private vehicle for private use, from the fleet and pay with the use through his pay slip.
# and more...

MyCar App allows all users to see in real time the ticket status established through the application with all service providers input.
In addition, the user receives push messages and designed targeted messages according to administrator needs and commitments to the users.

For more information contact us at

Amdocs MyCar Service Provider Screenshots