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AAG Mobile Application
1,000+ downloads

About UMI

Welcome to the official service app of the UMI (Cadillac, Chevrolet Isuzu) Israel brands.
We invite you to experience with us the most innovative and advanced digital service revolution in the automotive industry, over 80 innovative business processes.

In the UMI IL app, we can keep in touch and provide you with quality and professional service 24/7 from the palm of your hand.
Our service system in the mobile app combines the ability to coordinate a visit to our service centers when it is convenient for you, receiving a quote for treatment, transportation services to the garage, opening road and emergency service calls while monitoring and status updates.
In addition, in the event of a car accident, our application includes a wizard for reporting a car accident to the insurance company, which is adapted to the regulation of the insurance companies in Israel.

In addition,
The app allows us to invite you to launches and trips and experiential activities and other surprises that we plan for you.
We have added professional content and guides. And of course access to advanced services that allow you to see where the vehicle is, travel log, real-time alerts about speeding, etc.

The app is free for all our customers in Israel,
so lets start ....

UMI Screenshots