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Ali Alamrad
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About MyTrach

Laryngeal cleft MyTrach
The application of cleft palate care for children is a simplified guide to the definition of cleft palate and how to care for and deal with it during daily life.

The app aims to be an easy guide:
• To introduce the laryngeal cleft
• For daily and weekly care of the laryngeal cleft
• To deal with emergency cases related to laryngeal slit
• Contributes to providing a safe and normal life for a child with a cleft palate

Laryngeal cleft application does not replace medical consultation and periodic review with the specialist doctor.

It also provides a set of general questions to test information about the laryngeal cleft, with the ability to save some medical data about the laryngeal cleft in the application, such as the date of the last operation, type, category, size, and manufacturer of the tube, with an option to remind you to change it every time.

The application prepared by:
Dr.. Ahmad AL khateeb
Dr.. Hussain Al Shaif

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