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سباق الفكر

Ali Alamrad
1,000+ downloads

About سباق الفكر

The Thought Race is a cultural competition designed in the style of the X/O game

- In this version, the competition contains 1777 questions and answers.
- The competition contains a package (thought race - 1333 questions) and a package (Hajj competition - 444 questions, sponsored by the Noura Al-Atra Campaign)

Thought Race contains the following classifications:
1- Stories of the Prophets
2- The biography of the infallible
3- Islamic culture
4- The Arabic language
5- Ashura and the revival of Imam Hussein (PBUH)
6- Science
7- Techniques
8- Miscellaneous (questions in various arts)

The Hajj competition contains the following categories:
1- The jurisprudence of Hajj
2- Hajj philosophy
3- Pilgrimage landmarks
4- General information

Application advantages:

- The ability to change the area of ​​the number plate (3×3) or (4×4) or (5×5) or (6×6)
- The possibility of adding more than one contestant, up to 5 contestants on one device.
- The difficulty level can be changed for each contestant, as an easy level for young children can be selected from the contestant's settings
- Three aids for each contestant, when activated from the settings, the player will be able to use them once.
- The questions vary between choices between 4 answers, true or false, and contain about 100 questions supported by pictures.
- The element of surprise you may encounter if you fall into a random mine or instant gift
- It supports horizontal mode and is suitable for viewing on TV (you can try it with your family and friends or in social and cultural activities)
- The ability to share the winning result with others in the application.

We hope that you will have an enjoyable and useful time in this competition and in its first edition
And if you are satisfied, we hope to share it with your family and friends, and we are honored by your evaluation of the competition on the store and by writing to us all your notes or development ideas ..
May you be successful,

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