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JPG To PDF, Pdf Combiner

Applications Hub.
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About JPG To PDF, Pdf Combiner

Do you want to convert your images and photos to PDF?
Do you want to combine your multiple PDF files into a single pdf file?
Image to Pdf Converter
Img to Pdf Converter is used to convert all types of images and photos including PNG, JPG, and JPEG into pdf very easily and quickly with the help of JPEG To PDF Converter.
Using JPEG to Pdf Converter you can select multiple images from your gallery and convert your images to pdf using Images to Pdf Converter. Img to Pdf is entirely free, and you can convert your photos to pdf offline using our JPG to PDF Converter app.
We often need to send our id cards, passports, or many essential documents online in the form of pdf or we need to upload our important documents on any platform in the form of pdf and at that time our documents are in the form of PNG or JPEG and we need to upload in pdf so at that time we need an app that can convert our JPG or PNG image into pdf, so using our app Image to pdf & JPEG Converter, you can quickly convert all types of images into pdf. You can select multiple photos and images convert them into a pdf and make a single pdf file using the Pdf Combiner feature. After selecting various, you can click on convert pdf and it quickly converts your all PNG and JPEG images into pdf after conversion just gives the name to the converted pdf file save and share the pdf file with anyone.
PDF Combiner & PDF Merger
PDF Combiner is one of the most useful features available in the JPEG TO PDF converter app. Using Pdf Combiner you can easily combine multiple pdf files and merge them into a single file. For combing pdf files you can select multiple files from your storage and click on merge pdf all the files are combined into a single pdf file now can give a name to your combined pdf and save it.
Set Password to Pdf
After converting your Images to pdf using JPG Converter, you can also set a password to your converted pdf file and make your pdf safe and secure
Add WaterMark
Pdf Maker and JPEG To Pdf Converter also provide the feature of adding a watermark. You can easily add a watermark to your pdf file
Image Compression,
Before converting your images to pdf files, you can also reduce the size of your images file by applying the compression feature that is available in PDF Creator.
Other Important Features available in Image to PDF Converter and Pdf Combiner are as follows

  1. Convert JPEG To PDF

  2. Convert PNG To PDF

  3. Convert JPG To PDF

  4. Apply Filter Images

  5. Apply Border width to images

Disclaimer :
All the images and converted pdf files are saved in your mobile storage we didn’t use any server for saving your pdf files and images
Applications Hubs develop JPEG to Pdf Converter and PDF Combiner.
We are continuously updating our app Images to PDF Converter and try to provide the best and the latest feature to our users
If you like our app JPG To PDF and PDF Merger, please rate us five stars, and if you have any suggestions query or bugs regarding our app Img to Pdf Converter and you can email us at we always love to hear from you regarding our app Img to PDF Converter
Applications Hub.

JPG To PDF, Pdf Combiner Screenshots