Signature Scanner,Digital Sign icon

Signature Scanner,Digital Sign

Applications Hub.
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About Signature Scanner,Digital Sign

Now you can quickly scan your handwritten Name Signature using our Signature Scanner app
Signature Scanner and Name Signature is the identity of every person, and many times we need to save the signatures and use them in different documents. That’s why we develop this Super Signature Scanner app.
Using Signature Scanner, you can quickly scan the Digital Name Signature and save it into your gallery with transparent background removing the background and making it transparent and you can reuse it in future. By removing the background, you can get a clean and clear Signature in Digital form with the help of Signature Scanner.
You can quickly scan Name Signature from papers. After scanning the Name Signatures, you can easily change the color of that Scanned Signatures and save it to your mobile phone gallery. Then you can easily share scanned Digital Signatures to all social media platforms.

So How Does Signature Scanner works

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and draw your Name Signature

  • Open the Signature Scanner App from Google play store

  • Open Scanner and navigate it to the Signature

  • Select Camera or Gallery to Scan Signature

  • Point the Signature Scanner app to the Signed Sheet of paper check the lighting condition

  • Scan your Signature


Signature Scanner app is entirely safe and secure. All the scanned Name Signatures are saved in your mobile storage. Scan Digital Signature didn't use any server.
Applications Hub develops signature Scanner and Name Signature application IF you have any query or suggestions regarding Sigantrue Scanner, you can email us at

All Suggestions are welcome

Applications Hub.