Auto Quotes Wallpaper will set new Quote on the wallpaper of your phone screen daily.
You can customize the wallpaper as per your preference
# Set background as image or colour
# Select from list of background images or select background colour
# Change Quote text colour
# Show Shadow on Quote text.
# Change Quote text shadow colour
Please write an email if you have any problems, questions or feature requests.
Due to vast amount of android devices users might have different experience on different devices, but we are working hard to make it stable. if you have problem on your device write us to
MIUI Users need to Enable this app in Settings->Permissions-> Autostart to auto start when phone is restarted.
You can customize the wallpaper as per your preference
# Set background as image or colour
# Select from list of background images or select background colour
# Change Quote text colour
# Show Shadow on Quote text.
# Change Quote text shadow colour
Please write an email if you have any problems, questions or feature requests.
Due to vast amount of android devices users might have different experience on different devices, but we are working hard to make it stable. if you have problem on your device write us to
MIUI Users need to Enable this app in Settings->Permissions-> Autostart to auto start when phone is restarted.
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