Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with nor endorsed by WhatsApp Inc.
WhatsApp's Click to Chat feature allows you to begin a chat with someone without having their phone number saved in your phone's address book.
This app uses WhatsApp 'click to chat' feature (https://faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/26000030/) to open a chat with any number (a chat between you and that number).
No contact is created on the device, you don't need to save it on your contacts list. Just open the app, enter the number, click the button and the chat will open (if the number doesn't exists WhatsApp will notify it).
Useful on when:
* Someone called you and you want to contact it via WhatsApp.
* You need to send a message to someone but you don't want to save contact.
* You want to start a chat with yourself.
Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
WhatsApp's Click to Chat feature allows you to begin a chat with someone without having their phone number saved in your phone's address book.
This app uses WhatsApp 'click to chat' feature (https://faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/26000030/) to open a chat with any number (a chat between you and that number).
No contact is created on the device, you don't need to save it on your contacts list. Just open the app, enter the number, click the button and the chat will open (if the number doesn't exists WhatsApp will notify it).
Useful on when:
* Someone called you and you want to contact it via WhatsApp.
* You need to send a message to someone but you don't want to save contact.
* You want to start a chat with yourself.
Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
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