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Surah An Nasr with Urdu & Engl

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About Surah An Nasr with Urdu & Engl

Surah Nasr in full it is Surah An-Nasr that is the 110th surah of The Noble Quran. Revealed in Madina for this it is known as Madnee. A short Surah with 3 verses. Surah Nasr is also known as Surah At-Tawdi covered next.

He who recites Surah Nasr in his optional or obligatory prayers, Allah (جل جلاله) makes him successful in defeating his enemies, totally, and on the Day of Judgement he will come with a letter which talks. Verily Allah has brought him out of his grave with that letter as an immunity from the heat and fire of Hell.

Surah Nasr praises Allah for leading numerous people to Islam. Surah An Nasr is also known as "The Victory" as in the victory of Islam as it refers to the conquest of Mecca where Muslims beat the enemies of Islam.

‘Nasr’ literally means help. A divine help from God. Because ALLAH imparted the help to conquest the Makkah.

The meaning of Suran An-Nasr is ‘the victory’ or ‘an aid’. The aid the ALLAH Subhanahu Wata ‘Ala granted to people who accepted the religion of Prophet Mu’hammad sallALLAHu ‘Alayhe Wasallam. This incident took a massive form: a crowd in a very large number.

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