Pneumatic Control Circuits is a mobile application dedicated to individuals in the field of industrial automation to help them understand the control of pneumatic systems.
To use this application, a basic knowledge of electrical technology or pneumatic systems is recommended.
This application is structured in to three separate tabs (All circuits, electrical symbols, Pneumatic symbols)
The All circuit tab which contains a list detail view of control circuits of various cylinders with explanatory text for each method.
The other two tabs contains a list of electrical and pneumatic symbols of all the components used in the application respectively.
You have the possibility of sharing every circuit from the share button bellow every circuit.
To use this application, a basic knowledge of electrical technology or pneumatic systems is recommended.
This application is structured in to three separate tabs (All circuits, electrical symbols, Pneumatic symbols)
The All circuit tab which contains a list detail view of control circuits of various cylinders with explanatory text for each method.
The other two tabs contains a list of electrical and pneumatic symbols of all the components used in the application respectively.
You have the possibility of sharing every circuit from the share button bellow every circuit.
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