- What is this common database?
- A platform where the associations included in the mobile application, which unites the charities created in Aksaray, share limited data. In this way, aid reaches the right people. Thank you to all the associations that have made an effort for this cause. 🙏
Thanks to the Aksaray Hayra Dogru Aid and Solidarity Association mobile application, you will be able to request help quickly. When you want to help our association, you can let us know that you want to help via the application.
✅ Our Mission ✅
Aksaray Hayra Doğru Aid and Solidarity Association To provide economic and social assistance to people in need in Aksaray. To find solutions to the problems of our compatriots who are not in good financial condition.
✅ Our Vision ✅
As Aksaray Hayra Dogru Aid and Solidarity Association, it is to be a non-governmental organization that has local and universal values, serving our fellow citizens with determination and determination, and has a voice in the future with its honest, dynamic and hardworking, entrepreneurial and open-minded members, contributing to those in need in Aksaray.
✅ Health Aid
In case of need for health, our association's needs are met urgently.
✅ Clothing Help
The needs of families in need are met for school uniforms, winter boots and coats, and holiday outfits.
✅ Stationery Help
The Stationery Needs of the Children of the families in need are met.
✅ Item Help
We are meeting the needs of our families in need with donations of philanthropists and second-hand goods contributions.
✅ Help Children
Bicycles, Tablets, etc. We Make Your Dreams Come True.
✅ Fuel Aid
After our families' researches are completed, we meet their winter fuel and stove needs.
🔴 Request Help Feature
Those who need help can request help by using the request help button of the application.
🔴 I Want to Help
By using the I want to help button on the main screen of the application, we can contact you by sending us the help you will give to the association, the subject you want to help and contact information.
Aksaray Hayra Dogru Aid and Solidarity Association
We Are Always With You
- What is this common database?
- A platform where the associations included in the mobile application, which unites the charities created in Aksaray, share limited data. In this way, aid reaches the right people. Thank you to all the associations that have made an effort for this cause. 🙏
Thanks to the Aksaray Hayra Dogru Aid and Solidarity Association mobile application, you will be able to request help quickly. When you want to help our association, you can let us know that you want to help via the application.
✅ Our Mission ✅
Aksaray Hayra Doğru Aid and Solidarity Association To provide economic and social assistance to people in need in Aksaray. To find solutions to the problems of our compatriots who are not in good financial condition.
✅ Our Vision ✅
As Aksaray Hayra Dogru Aid and Solidarity Association, it is to be a non-governmental organization that has local and universal values, serving our fellow citizens with determination and determination, and has a voice in the future with its honest, dynamic and hardworking, entrepreneurial and open-minded members, contributing to those in need in Aksaray.
✅ Health Aid
In case of need for health, our association's needs are met urgently.
✅ Clothing Help
The needs of families in need are met for school uniforms, winter boots and coats, and holiday outfits.
✅ Stationery Help
The Stationery Needs of the Children of the families in need are met.
✅ Item Help
We are meeting the needs of our families in need with donations of philanthropists and second-hand goods contributions.
✅ Help Children
Bicycles, Tablets, etc. We Make Your Dreams Come True.
✅ Fuel Aid
After our families' researches are completed, we meet their winter fuel and stove needs.
🔴 Request Help Feature
Those who need help can request help by using the request help button of the application.
🔴 I Want to Help
By using the I want to help button on the main screen of the application, we can contact you by sending us the help you will give to the association, the subject you want to help and contact information.
Aksaray Hayra Dogru Aid and Solidarity Association
We Are Always With You
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