🙏The basic meaning of the word fasting is the complete or partial abstention of food and / or drink for a period of time. It means that when we decide to fast for a specific time, it is understood that we will stop eating or drinking completely or partially.
What should be the motivation of fasting? 🍴
The main reason for fasting should be to approach God, show him our love, obedience and submission. We should not mark a day of fasting for selfish reasons or to get something we want God to grant us in return.
We read in Zechariah 7: 1-6:
🛐In the fourth year of King Darius' reign, on the fourth day of the ninth month, which is the month of quisleu, the word of the Lord came to Zacharias. The people of Bethel had sent Sarézer and Reguen Mélec, and their men, to seek the favor of the Lord and to ask the priests of the house of the Almighty Lord and the prophets: "Should we observe in the fifth month a day of mourning and Withdrawal, as we have done all these years? Then this word came to me from the Lord Almighty: «Tell all the people of the earth, and also the priests:“ When you fasted and lamented in the fifth and seventh months of the last seventy years, did you really fast for me? And, when you eat and drink, don't you do it for yourself? ”
(Zechariah 7: 1-6)
We see how important it is that we examine our hearts and understand well what motivates us to fast. God knows our hearts, he knows if we do it for selfish reasons or if we really fast as an offering to him with the desire to experience his presence in a special way. Fasting must be an act of humility and sacrifice before God, a gesture that expresses how much we need him in our lives.
What should be the motivation of fasting? 🍴
The main reason for fasting should be to approach God, show him our love, obedience and submission. We should not mark a day of fasting for selfish reasons or to get something we want God to grant us in return.
We read in Zechariah 7: 1-6:
🛐In the fourth year of King Darius' reign, on the fourth day of the ninth month, which is the month of quisleu, the word of the Lord came to Zacharias. The people of Bethel had sent Sarézer and Reguen Mélec, and their men, to seek the favor of the Lord and to ask the priests of the house of the Almighty Lord and the prophets: "Should we observe in the fifth month a day of mourning and Withdrawal, as we have done all these years? Then this word came to me from the Lord Almighty: «Tell all the people of the earth, and also the priests:“ When you fasted and lamented in the fifth and seventh months of the last seventy years, did you really fast for me? And, when you eat and drink, don't you do it for yourself? ”
(Zechariah 7: 1-6)
We see how important it is that we examine our hearts and understand well what motivates us to fast. God knows our hearts, he knows if we do it for selfish reasons or if we really fast as an offering to him with the desire to experience his presence in a special way. Fasting must be an act of humility and sacrifice before God, a gesture that expresses how much we need him in our lives.
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