FSSAI Scanner icon

FSSAI Scanner

CodeBulls Inc.
5,000+ downloads

About FSSAI Scanner

Food Products manufactured/sold in India carry FSSAI Seal with FSSAI Code/FSSL.

Any valid FSSAI Code can be validated in FSSAI Website easily.

Our product makes more sense to Indian Consumers or anyone who consume Indian Food Products. Hence the App is made available in other countries too because Indian food products might be available in those markets too.

Please Note: This App is not developed or maintained by FSSAI or other Government Departments.

FSSAI Scanner scans for FSSAI Code on Food Products through Camera and automatically fetches information about License, Validity and other details of the product. Verify if the product under question is approved by FSSAI for consumption or not.

This App will come handy while in a supermarket to check whether a food product is original or fake; and if it is accredited by FSSAI (India) as to whether the same is safe to be consumed.

How to Use?
-> Tap Camera Icon in App and point towards FSSAI Logo/Code/Lic. No. which is printed on the product
-> Optionally FSSAI Code/FSSL can be entered manually by using the checkbox
-> Tap 'Fetch Details' to automatically fetch Product/Manufacturer's License information from FSSAI and verify if the product is the same what it claims to be
-> Validate the results if the product is the same as registered with FSSAI (Some fake products might carry valid FSSAI Code of some other product)
-> Tap 'View Full Details in FSSAI Website' to automatically traverse through multiple web pages in FSSAI Site to know if the product is registered with FSSAI or Not
-> 'Help' Screen is available

This App is developed with Kotlin by CodeBulls. We never show push advertisements.

This is a demonstration of machine learning capabilities to read numbers through camera.


FSSAI Scanner Screenshots