Optimize your device with iSpeed!
Already using a Memory Booster or Battery Saver already?
Here is why you should try iSpeed? Here are some facts for you:
- RAM is meant to hold frequently used information for quick access
- Services constantly in the background uses both battery power and CPU
- Erasing RAM too often causes RAM to wear-out and battery performance to degrade
Ever wondered why a two-year old android device is never as smooth as it was during the first few months? Wear and tear on the RAM, Memory Devices and Battery does have a serious part in it.
iSpeed is an easy-to-use application to speed up and optimize memory on your mobile device by battery efficient algorithm without any data usage.
Principal Features:
- Easy-to-use Design
- Accurate Statistics
- Internet not required
- No Background running services
- No In-app purchases
Please refer 'Permission Details' section similar Apps and compare to that of iSpeed.
Other Details:
- In Google Play since 2015
- Compatible with Oreo
- Frequent Product Update
- Improved Design
- Help Screen
- One-touch buttons to Optimize
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Already using a Memory Booster or Battery Saver already?
Here is why you should try iSpeed? Here are some facts for you:
- RAM is meant to hold frequently used information for quick access
- Services constantly in the background uses both battery power and CPU
- Erasing RAM too often causes RAM to wear-out and battery performance to degrade
Ever wondered why a two-year old android device is never as smooth as it was during the first few months? Wear and tear on the RAM, Memory Devices and Battery does have a serious part in it.
iSpeed is an easy-to-use application to speed up and optimize memory on your mobile device by battery efficient algorithm without any data usage.
Principal Features:
- Easy-to-use Design
- Accurate Statistics
- Internet not required
- No Background running services
- No In-app purchases
Please refer 'Permission Details' section similar Apps and compare to that of iSpeed.
Other Details:
- In Google Play since 2015
- Compatible with Oreo
- Frequent Product Update
- Improved Design
- Help Screen
- One-touch buttons to Optimize
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