Color analysis
Use your smartphone to MEASURE colors (HSV, RGB and CIE La*b*).
Also, convert colors spaces CIE La*b* values to C*, Hº, RGB, XYZ and #HEX!
Save all and export all to Excel spreadsheet (.xls) easy and quickly!
You want this app ! Download now!
USE WITH CONFIDENCE!!! See our references bellow:
- Summary of features -
Converts CIE L * a * b RGB, XYZ and HEX.
Calculates Chromaticity and HUE angle.
View the color of samples on the screen!
Presents all your data in an Excel spreadsheet (.xls)!
Export data via email or Bluetooth, USB etc.
It does not use wifi or 3g to work.
App work Config:
Illuminant = D65
Observer = (1931)
Download now and increase your productivity!
Raymond G. McGuire
U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Subtropical Horticulture
Research Station, 13601 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33158
Calibration value tested using our app is equals to values found by McGuire.
L = 75.5 a* = - 2.0 b = 56
Chroma (C*) = 56.0 and HUE (Hº) = 92.0. (McGuire)
Chroma (C*) = 56.0 and HUE (Hº) = 92.0. (Our app)
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Use your smartphone to MEASURE colors (HSV, RGB and CIE La*b*).
Also, convert colors spaces CIE La*b* values to C*, Hº, RGB, XYZ and #HEX!
Save all and export all to Excel spreadsheet (.xls) easy and quickly!
You want this app ! Download now!
USE WITH CONFIDENCE!!! See our references bellow:
- Summary of features -
Converts CIE L * a * b RGB, XYZ and HEX.
Calculates Chromaticity and HUE angle.
View the color of samples on the screen!
Presents all your data in an Excel spreadsheet (.xls)!
Export data via email or Bluetooth, USB etc.
It does not use wifi or 3g to work.
App work Config:
Illuminant = D65
Observer = (1931)
Download now and increase your productivity!
Raymond G. McGuire
U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Subtropical Horticulture
Research Station, 13601 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33158
Calibration value tested using our app is equals to values found by McGuire.
L = 75.5 a* = - 2.0 b = 56
Chroma (C*) = 56.0 and HUE (Hº) = 92.0. (McGuire)
Chroma (C*) = 56.0 and HUE (Hº) = 92.0. (Our app)
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