Take pictures and get color parameters and much more!
Measure samples on the plant production floor, in storage areas, shipping departments or virtually anywhere that is convenient.
Our apps promotes one-touch operation, so sample measurements are taken in seconds.
Simply open the camera, choose your target and get the color parameters such as CIE LAB, Chroma, Hueº, RGB, color names, real time visible spectra (400nm to 700nm).
Scientific papers published with this app
For more info visit: http://researchlabtools.blogspot.com.br/
Measure samples on the plant production floor, in storage areas, shipping departments or virtually anywhere that is convenient.
Our apps promotes one-touch operation, so sample measurements are taken in seconds.
Simply open the camera, choose your target and get the color parameters such as CIE LAB, Chroma, Hueº, RGB, color names, real time visible spectra (400nm to 700nm).
Scientific papers published with this app
For more info visit: http://researchlabtools.blogspot.com.br/
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