When today's generation is completely extinct, Nikolaj Velimirović will be a legend and historians will collect every bit that could provide information about him. His life, if ever written, will show the world what a Serbian priest can be like. His people will always be proud of him. Stephen Gram
Minister in Wilson's government (1933) John Kingsbury wrote the following: "You, Serbs, may not know how much Bishop Nikolaj, who belongs to the entire Christian world, is respected and esteemed in America. He has done a lot for his people. I believe as an individual the most. At scheduled sermons, in some cities in America, people traveled for several hours on high-speed trains to hear his prophetic words. I am personally proud to be one of the friends of that great Serbian son. "Today, more than ever, the people admire Nikolaj's sermons, they are represented everywhere, and the people are the ones who feel the need for them.
In addition to the works shown by the Holy Bishop Nikolaj, there are monuments for the deceased and the living.
I would kindly ask you to evaluate all the total effort, interface - appearance, usefulness of the application and then evaluate it, and not to evaluate it immediately with a unit due to a small mistake, because that lowers the rating of the application. There are and always will be small programming errors. It is your free and moral right to evaluate as you want and I will not interfere in that.
For more detailed information, visit the official Facebook presentation and the official website
All mistakes, irregularities, remarks and suggestions are welcome.
Chrysostom, preacher of the Risen Christ, guide of the Serbian Crusader family for centuries, the lyre of the Holy Spirit, the pride and love of monks, the joy and praise of priests, the teacher of repentance, the national Bishop, the leader of the devout army of Christ, St. Nicholas of Serbia and All Saints of Serbia Man-lover: to give peace and harmony to our race.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, our venerable and God-bearing Fathers, and all the Saints, have mercy and save us sinners. Amen.
Minister in Wilson's government (1933) John Kingsbury wrote the following: "You, Serbs, may not know how much Bishop Nikolaj, who belongs to the entire Christian world, is respected and esteemed in America. He has done a lot for his people. I believe as an individual the most. At scheduled sermons, in some cities in America, people traveled for several hours on high-speed trains to hear his prophetic words. I am personally proud to be one of the friends of that great Serbian son. "Today, more than ever, the people admire Nikolaj's sermons, they are represented everywhere, and the people are the ones who feel the need for them.
In addition to the works shown by the Holy Bishop Nikolaj, there are monuments for the deceased and the living.
I would kindly ask you to evaluate all the total effort, interface - appearance, usefulness of the application and then evaluate it, and not to evaluate it immediately with a unit due to a small mistake, because that lowers the rating of the application. There are and always will be small programming errors. It is your free and moral right to evaluate as you want and I will not interfere in that.
For more detailed information, visit the official Facebook presentation and the official website
All mistakes, irregularities, remarks and suggestions are welcome.
Chrysostom, preacher of the Risen Christ, guide of the Serbian Crusader family for centuries, the lyre of the Holy Spirit, the pride and love of monks, the joy and praise of priests, the teacher of repentance, the national Bishop, the leader of the devout army of Christ, St. Nicholas of Serbia and All Saints of Serbia Man-lover: to give peace and harmony to our race.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, our venerable and God-bearing Fathers, and all the Saints, have mercy and save us sinners. Amen.
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