The application is prepared for students preparing for KPSS, TYT, AYT exams. With this application you can easily prepare for exams. It contains carefully prepared lecture notes for the exam.
OSYM Exams, KPSS Exam, TYT Exam, AYT Exam prepared for the History Lecture Notes, you will be with you wherever you go. No internet connection is required to access the lecture notes.
There are lecture notes on subjects. These notes;
- Pre-Islamic Turkish History
- Turkey and Turkish-Islamic States
- Ottoman Political History
- Developments in Europe
- Ottoman Culture and Civilization
- XXth Century Ottoman History
- National struggle
- Domestic Policy
- Foreign policy
- Principles and Revolutions
With just 15 minutes of work per day, you'll achieve great success in exams!
OSYM Exams, KPSS Exam, TYT Exam, AYT Exam prepared for the History Lecture Notes, you will be with you wherever you go. No internet connection is required to access the lecture notes.
There are lecture notes on subjects. These notes;
- Pre-Islamic Turkish History
- Turkey and Turkish-Islamic States
- Ottoman Political History
- Developments in Europe
- Ottoman Culture and Civilization
- XXth Century Ottoman History
- National struggle
- Domestic Policy
- Foreign policy
- Principles and Revolutions
With just 15 minutes of work per day, you'll achieve great success in exams!
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