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Nashoihul Ibad + Terjemahannya

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About Nashoihul Ibad + Terjemahannya

devinisi 1
This app contains translation of the book Nashaihul Ibad. Nashaihul Ibad is a book of guidance for the condition of the faithful servant in relation to God and man, especially in terms of worship and bertaqarub Him.
Alhamdulillah, and ultimately each students nor layman can assess the book very popular essay Alamah Syaikhina Nawawi Al Alim Al Bantany. Hopefully premises dish Yellow Book Nashoihul Ibad Version This translation can be felt all circles, Especially Muslims. Amin Yaa Robbal the worlds.

devnisi 2;
Application Nashoihul this translation membari Ibad + teaching about the instructions for the faithful slave to Allah SWT. which are in a yellow book which is the book Nashaihul Ibad.

Hopefully choose a meaningful benefit to us all, and we got instructions aminn ring, and so we remain in the right path again in ridhoi Allah SWT. aminn.

Additional nanttinya only material;
+ Application development
+ Improved error
+ Addition book aklhak
+ Addition book Alaala
+ Addition book Washoya

one couplet reading in the app;
The Prophet SAW said, (mandatory for you all to sit down with the 'Ulama) means that their knowledge, (and listening to the word of experts wisdom) means people who know God. (Because Allah Ta'ala will turn the hearts died with the light of wisdom-science bermanfaat- as Allah bring the dead bumu denganair rain). And in another narration of Thabrani of Abu Hanifah "Sit thou with adults, and ask you to the 'Ulama and berkumpulah you with experts wisdom" and in a memoir, "Sit ye ​​degan the scholars, and Associate with kubaro'". The cleric Indeed there are two kinds:

1. The people who learned about the laws of God, it is they who have the fatwa, and

2. cleric ma'rifat God, those that the hukama 'that by associating with them would be able to edify, as indeed they have glowing hearts to God because ma'rifat likewise sirr / secret they have caused nur shining majesty of God.

Prophet has said, will come a time to my people, they move away from the scholars and jurists, God will give a trial to those with three trials,

1. God will eliminate the blessing of fortunes.

2. God will send them a despotic ruler

3. They will be out to leave the world without having to bring the faith to Allah Ta'ala Na'udzubiLlahi dzaalik min.

failitas in Nashoihul Ibad + translation application are as follows;
+. OFFLINE based applications, you can run without an internet connection
+. This application is light, due to the small size of fileny arelatif
+. use the copy and paste facilities
+. falilitas will berambah renewal
+. Free, aka unpaid
+. Share to friends via social media

hopefully Nashoihul Ibad + translation application can provide benefits for all of us, please give us advice in the development process, please send it via email us at:

Nashoihul Ibad + Terjemahannya Screenshots