In light of the continuous transformations, particularly impressive and significant during the last century, it is essential to look at the landscape as a "heritage site", of knowledge and experiences in continuous evolution, to be rediscovered and enhanced and in which to recognize the identity of a community. The Lombardy Region defines the ecomuseum as "a cultural institution that ensures, on a specific territory and with the participation of the population, the functions of research, conservation, enhancement of a set of cultural heritage, representative of an environment and ways of life that followed one another there and accompany its development ". In 2009 the Ecomuseum of Valle Trompia La Montagna e l'Industria was established, recognized by the Lombardy Region in 2011, which aims to create a link between man and his living environment; is the start of a shared and participatory path of research and rediscovery with the surrounding area, which the Ecomuseum faces by retaining both the steps and the findings of this procedure, to be enhanced through methods and tools that see the constant involvement of the community. "the Mountain and Industry": The Trompia Valley, for centuries, has affirmed a close coexistence between agricultural activities and working procedures linked to the extraction and processing of iron, which determined the historical-ethnographic profile of the Valley and the specific anthropization of the territory into villages, characteristic places, streets.The spread, starting from the second half of the nineteenth century, of industrial forms of production and new economic models, has determined the profound transformation of the territory and social customs, with the persistence of rural elements predominantly in the more secluded mountain areas and a radical, evident evolution that has pro The entire valley floor has gradually changed with repercussions on the mountain landscape. dynamic / evolutionary character of the local reality. transformation of the Valley and still characterizes its socio-economic profile. The Ecomuseum of Valle Trompia. La Montagna e l'Industria is aimed: at the documentation, conservation and enhancement of the historical memory of the territory in its tangible and intangible manifestations, through the realization and the "active and coordinated management" of specific thematic projects and cultural productions. To stimulate opportunities for comparison and involvement above all between the resident communities and the realities of the territory with specific skills, priority subjects who are entrusted with the conservation, renewal and communication of identity and local values. to be an occasion and a concrete tool for experimenting "projects participation in the development of local communities, aimed at the protection and safeguarding of the territorial heritage in its environmental, historical-cultural, linguistic, ethnographic and productive components. to promote research activities, educational projects, artistic productions and functional documentation and promotion initiatives to the cre action and constant implementation of a "dynamic archive" dedicated to material and immaterial culture, in relation above all to the identified identity elements. to devote particular attention to the themes of social encounter and intergenerational dialogue, it tends to define paths aimed at promoting a correct relationship between consumption and renewal
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