The "Oriented Regional Nature Reserve of the Torbiere del Sebino" protects a wetland
of International Importance pursuant to the Ramsar Convention.
Wetlands are in fact among the most productive environments in the world, preserving diversity
biological and provide water and primary productivity from which countless species of
plants and animals depend for their survival. They claim numerous
populations of species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates. For this
reason the reserve has been defined as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) e
recognized by the European regulation "Natura 2000" as a SPA site (Protection Area)
Special) pursuant to the Birds Directive concerning the conservation of birds
wild and as SAC (Special Conservation Area) pursuant to the Habitat Directive
on the conservation of natural and semi-natural habitats and of flora and fauna
The marshes were once considered only as unproductive and dangerous lands due
of the Anopheles mosquito, a vehicle for malaria. Today the marshes are no longer considered as
unhealthy places but as precious treasures of biodiversity, indispensable for the
survival of thousands of migratory birds, which need to find places in
to take refuge and rich food to recover energy during their long journeys.
The Reserve of the Peat bogs of Iseo, being in the center of the Po Valley,
intensely man-made and cultivated, it has an even greater ecological importance.
Due to its size and uniqueness, it constitutes a real "oasis" for many
birds both during the autumn and spring migration, and during the summer period of the
nesting, both in winter when many species coming from northern Europe need
of water free from ice where to find food.
Birds are the most visible component of the living beings that inhabit the peat bogs,
but we must not forget the great quantity of species of marsh plants, of fish, amphibians and,
not least, of insects. In particular, the Reserve is an elective site for dragonflies
and it is possible to observe here up to 30 different species of these fascinating winged predators.
The Peat bogs of Iseo constitute an ecosystem in which each element has a large one
ecological importance and relates to others, even what is less in our eyes
significant. Moreover the value of this zone is amplified by the morphological context in which
it is inserted, the morainic amphitheater of Franciacorta and of the Sebino and from its history, for the
surrounding cultural and artistic emergencies, including in particular the Monastery of S.
Pietro in Lamosa. This Cluniac site, whose central core dates back to the year 1000,
it certainly deserves a careful visit (possibly guided) so that you can appreciate it
the interesting architecture and the frescoes, as well as to know its history.
Ticket with 1 euro ticket.
"Torbiere del Sebino" Nature Reserve Manager
Via Europa 5 - 25050 Provaglio d'Iseo (BS)
of International Importance pursuant to the Ramsar Convention.
Wetlands are in fact among the most productive environments in the world, preserving diversity
biological and provide water and primary productivity from which countless species of
plants and animals depend for their survival. They claim numerous
populations of species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates. For this
reason the reserve has been defined as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) e
recognized by the European regulation "Natura 2000" as a SPA site (Protection Area)
Special) pursuant to the Birds Directive concerning the conservation of birds
wild and as SAC (Special Conservation Area) pursuant to the Habitat Directive
on the conservation of natural and semi-natural habitats and of flora and fauna
The marshes were once considered only as unproductive and dangerous lands due
of the Anopheles mosquito, a vehicle for malaria. Today the marshes are no longer considered as
unhealthy places but as precious treasures of biodiversity, indispensable for the
survival of thousands of migratory birds, which need to find places in
to take refuge and rich food to recover energy during their long journeys.
The Reserve of the Peat bogs of Iseo, being in the center of the Po Valley,
intensely man-made and cultivated, it has an even greater ecological importance.
Due to its size and uniqueness, it constitutes a real "oasis" for many
birds both during the autumn and spring migration, and during the summer period of the
nesting, both in winter when many species coming from northern Europe need
of water free from ice where to find food.
Birds are the most visible component of the living beings that inhabit the peat bogs,
but we must not forget the great quantity of species of marsh plants, of fish, amphibians and,
not least, of insects. In particular, the Reserve is an elective site for dragonflies
and it is possible to observe here up to 30 different species of these fascinating winged predators.
The Peat bogs of Iseo constitute an ecosystem in which each element has a large one
ecological importance and relates to others, even what is less in our eyes
significant. Moreover the value of this zone is amplified by the morphological context in which
it is inserted, the morainic amphitheater of Franciacorta and of the Sebino and from its history, for the
surrounding cultural and artistic emergencies, including in particular the Monastery of S.
Pietro in Lamosa. This Cluniac site, whose central core dates back to the year 1000,
it certainly deserves a careful visit (possibly guided) so that you can appreciate it
the interesting architecture and the frescoes, as well as to know its history.
Ticket with 1 euro ticket.
"Torbiere del Sebino" Nature Reserve Manager
Via Europa 5 - 25050 Provaglio d'Iseo (BS)
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