Amaliah Habib Umar Hafidz icon

Amaliah Habib Umar Hafidz

Kata Kata Quotes Of The Day
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About Amaliah Habib Umar Hafidz

This android application presents a diploma certificate from A Habib Umar bin hafidz BSA Hadramaut which is welcome to be practiced by all Muslims in Indonesia in particular. He is a prominent scholar today who has given birth to many great students in Indonesia. Through this application, hopefully users can get the benefits of Al Habib's blessings and also add insight, more specifically, they can get closer to Allah SWT. This application is also equipped with Kisa Karamah and diplomas including:
The story of a gathering teacher
Kyai deeds diploma
Wali Allah's certificate of karamah
the true story of habib umar bin hafidz
karomah Aulia
karomah habib Umar bin hafidz

Hopefully useful, Wassalam ...

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