Convert between standard and metric units. Available conversions for Length, Volume, Weights, Speed, and Temperature.
Not only for metric conversions, exactly. This very useful utility can handle a number of different types of common conversions. Cups to Tablespoons, or Mph to km/h, or Celsius to Kelvin, for instance.
Years ago, I had something very similar to this on my trusty old Palm Pilot. With the main exception that this program has a lot more flexibility. What started as a simple length converter suddenly became one that could handle temperature, weights, fluids, and speeds as well.
Designed initially for phones. But large screen support is better with this version. Upcoming releases will have better larger screen support.
Not only for metric conversions, exactly. This very useful utility can handle a number of different types of common conversions. Cups to Tablespoons, or Mph to km/h, or Celsius to Kelvin, for instance.
Years ago, I had something very similar to this on my trusty old Palm Pilot. With the main exception that this program has a lot more flexibility. What started as a simple length converter suddenly became one that could handle temperature, weights, fluids, and speeds as well.
Designed initially for phones. But large screen support is better with this version. Upcoming releases will have better larger screen support.
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