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Los secretos de la mente milli

Raymond Tusk
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10,000+ downloads

About Los secretos de la mente milli

The author sometimes talks about living a "level 10 life" where you succeed in all areas, not just one, and the author is the one he learned that from.

After riding an emotional and financial roller coaster in the process of building, selling, and losing more than a dozen businesses, going from bankruptcy to millions and back again, Harv began to examine his own relationship with money and his habits.

It turns out that there are some habits of the rich, which make or break you if you become financially independent.

Here are 3 lessons to start changing your own financial mindset:

You naturally tend to replicate the income strategies of your parents.
If you want control of your finances, you must first realize that you are the one in the driver's seat.
Don't look down on the rich.
Ready to switch from pennies to profit? Come on!

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