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About Yamruby

Ya mruby is an implementation on the Android mruby. Ya mruby mruby alone is only works if I can not operate the Android. In order to operate the Android is another app that Marida2 is required. Marida2 is a tool that can be operated via the Android Socket.
Ya muby has become a mechanism to manipulate and Android using this Marida2. When you run Ya mruby, some scripts are copied yamruby.rb etc. SD memory card under / Yamruby, is executed Yamruby.rb.
Or write a program to yamruby.rb, create a shortcut on the screen Yamruby, if you want to override the program, please specify your own file rb.
For more information, such as description of the command, please see the source of the Ya mruby that has been opened to the public. I can use the same gun and the commands that are implemented in Luarida Basically, I have published.
In addition, you can also write a script using the editor of your Android. I recommend Jota Text Editor. With this, you can also run the ruby ​​script directly.

Complete source is open to public github.

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