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About Luarida

Ruarida (Luarida) is a script that runs on Android (Script).
It was implemented Script want to set a simple program as Pocket Computer in the smartphone.
Language is Lua. You can easily write a program as BASIC. I think there is a bug, please a lot of opinions.
If there is already luarida folder on the SD card, sample files are not installed. You can copy and paste from the Web site, you must rename the folder. Even during the public in various market sample.

Self-made program can be placed in the home as a shortcut.

So as to be able to exchange information among users, it has launched a group called "Luarida Fun Club". You can go to a group from the following URL.!forum/luarida-fun-club

SmartWatch for the program of Sony also released you can write, but to run, you must have the SmartWatch application "Bitmap catcher".

--- Luarida Command List ---
(1) Input Command
 editsetText (text)
 editText (title [, flag])
 touch ([mode])
 inkey ([mode])

(2) System Command
 system.exit ()
 system.expCall (classname [, data, type])
 system.getAppPath ()
 system.getCardMnt ()
 system.getSec ()
 system.impCallActionSend (text [, type])
 system.impCallActionView (text, type)
 system.setrun (Luafilename)
 system.setScreen (mode)
 system.setSleep (off (keep) / on)
 system.version ()
 El_Psy_Congroo ()

(3) Graphic Command
 canvas.drawCircle (x, y, r, color [, fill])
 canvas.drawCls ([colorcode])
 canvas.drawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, colorcode)
 canvas.drawRect (x0, y0, x1, y1, colorcode [, fill])
 canvas.getBmpSize (filename)
 canvas.getColor (x, y)
 canvas.getg (gx0, gy0, gx1, gy1, wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1)
 canvas.getviewSize ()
 canvas.loadBmp (filename, x0, y0, x1, y1 [, n])
 canvas.putCircle (x, y, r, colorcode [, fill])
 canvas.putCls ([colorcode])
 canvas.putflush ([x0, y0, x1, y1])
 canvas.putg (gx0, gy0, gx1, gy1, wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1)
 canvas.putLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, colorcode)
 canvas.putRect (x0, y0, x1, y1, colorcode [, fill])
 canvas.putrotg (cx, cy, angle, wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1)
 canvas.putWork (xs0, ys0, xs1, ys1, xd0, yd0, xd1, yd1)
 canvas.saveBmp (filename, x0, y0, x1, y1)
 canvas.setMainBmp (Width, Height)
 canvas.setWorkBmp (Width, Height)
 canvas.workCls ([colorcode])
 canvas.workflush (x0, y0, x1, y1)
 color (r, g, b [, Alpha])

(4) Text Command
 canvas.drawText (text, x, y, size, colorcode [, backcolorcode])
 canvas.drawTextBox (text, x, y, size, colorcode, wide [, backcolorcode])
 canvas.drawTextCenter (text, x, y, size, colorcode [, backcolorcode])
 canvas.drawTextRotate (text, x, y, angle, size, colorcode [, backcolorcode])
 canvas.putText (text, x, y, size, colorcode [, backcolorcode])
 canvas.putTextBox (text, x, y, size, color, wide [, backcolorcode])
 canvas.putTextCenter (text, x, y, size, colorcode [, backcolorcode])
 canvas.putTextRotate (text, x, y, angle, size, colorcode [, backcolorcode])

(5) Http Command
 http.addHeader (headername, data)
 http.addParam (post-parameter)
 http.clrHeader ()
 http.clrParam ()
 http.get (url, savefilename) (url)
 http.setContentType (content-type)
 http.setPostFile (post-filename)
 http.status ()

(6) Dialog Command
 dialog (title, text [, button])
 item.add (text [, flag])
 item.check (title)
 item.clear ()
 item.list (title) (title, position)
 toast (text [, time])

(7) Sensor Command
 sensor.getAccel ()
 sensor.setdevAccel (sw)
 sensor.setdevMagnet (sw)
 sensor.setdevOrient (sw)
 sensor.getGdirection ()
 sensor.getMagnet ()
 sensor.getOrient ()

(8) Sound Command
 sound.beep ([hz [, ms]])
 sound.isPlay (soundnumber)
 sound.pause (soundnumber)
 sound.restart (soundnumber)
 sound.setSoundFile (filename, soundnumber, flag)
 sound.start (soundnumber [, loop])
 sound.stop (soundnumber)

(9) ZIP Command
 zip.addFile (compressed-filename [, melt-folder])
 zip.exec (zipfilename)
 zip.status ()

(10) socket Command
 sock.close (Number)
 sock.connectOpen (Number, Address, Port [, TimeOut])
 sock.getAddress (Number [, Local])
 sock.listenOpen (Number, Port [, TimeOut])
 sock.nclose (Number)
 sock.nconnectOpen (Number, Address, Port [, TimeOut])
 sock.ngetAddress (Number [, Local])
 sock.nlistenOpen (Number, Port [, TimeOut])
 sock.nrecv (Number [, TimeOut])
 sock.nsend (Number, Data, Length)
 sock.recv (Number [, TimeOut])
 sock.send (Number, Data, Length)

Since the number of characters in the description was over, the rest of the command please refer to the commentary blog.

Luarida Screenshots