Ionnsaich mar a dh’innseas tu an Uair anns a’ Ghàidhlig. Leis an app eadar-obrachail againn, tha e furasta èisteachd ris an uair anns a’ Ghàidhlig agus a leughadh. Tha measgachadh mòr de dh’uairean agus ùineachan ann as urrainn dhut a phractasadh, agus mòd deuchainn leis am faigh thu a-mach ciamar a tha a’ dol dhut. Mar as motha a dh’èisteas tu ris an uair, ’s ann as luaithe a thig do sgilean air adhart. Le bhith ga chleachdadh gu tric, bidh thu a’ tuigsinn mar a chanas tu an uair sa Ghàidhlig agus a’ togail air do sgilean èisteachd le bhith ag ràdh na h-uair’ ri do charaidean agus ris an teaghlach. Feuch gum bi spòrs agad!
Na tha ann:
Còrr is 800 faidhle fuaim
Mòd practas stad-uaireadair gus faicinn ciamar a thèid dhut ann an rèisean 30, 45 & 60 diog.
Mòd deuchainn gus faicinn ciamar a tha thu a’ tighinn air adhart.
Gnìomhan air an togail air diofar ùineachan gus an t-ionnsachadh agad a chur an òrdugh:
• 1 mhionaid
• 5 mionaidean
• 10 mionaidean
• cairteal na h-uarach
• leth-uair
• uair a thìde
Clocaichean le notaichean a chuidicheas luchd-ionnsachaidh nas òige tuigsinn mar a leughas iad cloc.
* Chaidh an app seo a dhealbhachadh airson tablet - 's dòcha gum bi na dealbhan beag air fònaichean làimhe.
Learn to tell the Time in Scottish Gaelic. With our easy to use interactive app, you can practise listening to and reading the time in Gaelic. There are endless combinations of times and intervals for you to practise and a test mode to find out how you’re doing. The more you practise listening to the time, the quicker your skills will develop. With frequent use you will start to understand the time in Scottish Gaelic and build on your listening skills by speaking the time out loud to friends & family. Have fun!
Over 800 sound files
Stopwatch practice mode to see how you perform over 30, 45 & 60 second sprints.
Test mode to see how you are progressing.
Activities structured by intervals of time to organise your learning:
- 1 minute
- 5 minute
- 10 minute
- Quarter hour
- Half hour
- Hourly
Annotated clocks to help younger learners to understand how to read a clock.
* This app was designed for use on a tablet - the graphics may be small on mobile phones.
Na tha ann:
Còrr is 800 faidhle fuaim
Mòd practas stad-uaireadair gus faicinn ciamar a thèid dhut ann an rèisean 30, 45 & 60 diog.
Mòd deuchainn gus faicinn ciamar a tha thu a’ tighinn air adhart.
Gnìomhan air an togail air diofar ùineachan gus an t-ionnsachadh agad a chur an òrdugh:
• 1 mhionaid
• 5 mionaidean
• 10 mionaidean
• cairteal na h-uarach
• leth-uair
• uair a thìde
Clocaichean le notaichean a chuidicheas luchd-ionnsachaidh nas òige tuigsinn mar a leughas iad cloc.
* Chaidh an app seo a dhealbhachadh airson tablet - 's dòcha gum bi na dealbhan beag air fònaichean làimhe.
Learn to tell the Time in Scottish Gaelic. With our easy to use interactive app, you can practise listening to and reading the time in Gaelic. There are endless combinations of times and intervals for you to practise and a test mode to find out how you’re doing. The more you practise listening to the time, the quicker your skills will develop. With frequent use you will start to understand the time in Scottish Gaelic and build on your listening skills by speaking the time out loud to friends & family. Have fun!
Over 800 sound files
Stopwatch practice mode to see how you perform over 30, 45 & 60 second sprints.
Test mode to see how you are progressing.
Activities structured by intervals of time to organise your learning:
- 1 minute
- 5 minute
- 10 minute
- Quarter hour
- Half hour
- Hourly
Annotated clocks to help younger learners to understand how to read a clock.
* This app was designed for use on a tablet - the graphics may be small on mobile phones.
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