Dieta rápida - Pierde peso 7kg icon

Dieta rápida - Pierde peso 7kg

SimGar Marketing Agency
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About Dieta rápida - Pierde peso 7kg

A balanced diet should cover four basic principles (except in situations where there is a pathology associated):

Principle of variety: our diet should include all food groups to get specific nutrients that gives us each. Here are some ideas for your breakfasts are varied.

Frequency principle: the way we have to maintain a hormonal and energy balance is maintaining a frequent and regular food consumption.

Principle of moderation again, outside our trend target should be eating foods in moderation, since per unit of time the body has limited ability to assimilate and use of energy and nutrients.

Hydration principle: all chemical reactions that regulate our metabolism occur in aqueous medium, therefore we provide water regularly throughout the day. It is also an excellent tool for controlling appetite and satiety.

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