Pong 🏓 Juego Arcade Retro Vid icon

Pong 🏓 Juego Arcade Retro Vid

SimGar Marketing Agency
100+ downloads

About Pong 🏓 Juego Arcade Retro Vid

► Do you like retro games ? Do you remember spending the afternoons with your Atari 2600 ?

The Ping Pong Arcade, is one of the best classic games that exist. It's simple, it's fast, and with it we had a fun time without much effort.

👌 We love the games of pin pon and playing this pong is totally free.

✅ The pong is an entertaining classic game that will challenge your reflexes.

The more time you play 🏓 the more levels you will surpass. The ball goes faster and faster to see how far you can go.

We encourage you to challenge yourself ... How far can you go? 👍

The rules of the game are simple:

►Pulse "Go!" to start playing this arcade minigame
►Wash the two bars by sliding your finger on the lower bar.
►Do not let the ball escape
►Each five points , you will level up and the ball will go faster
►Our record is 135 points , can you overcome it?
►When the ball touches one of the two funds, you will lose.
►Press Reset to try again

We believe you can get it!

There is not a single arcade game that you can resist, and that's why we offer you this Pong: Retro Arcade Game Classic Video Consoles 🏓

We challenge you!

Pong 🏓 Juego Arcade Retro Vid Screenshots