Máquina afeitar - Broma 😎 icon

Máquina afeitar - Broma 😎

SimGar Marketing Agency
5,000+ downloads

About Máquina afeitar - Broma 😎

With this application you can spend jokes on your friends with the sound of a real razor. They will be frightened when you approach it to the head.

Are you a bit naughty? This is the ideal app to play pranks on your friends simulating the sound of a clipper. We've had great moments with this app, and we think it's one of the funniest jokes.

✅ We warn that this application does not really cut the hair. Simulate the sound to make jokes.
✴️ It's totally free!
✅ Give the Play and laugh with your friends with this shaver.
Acerca️ Come to the head, and when you hear the sound close to your hair, there will be assured laughter.

One of the best shaving machines, with very funny and funny sounds. Enjoy making simulated haircuts to your friends.

You will have guaranteed fun with this free application.

Máquina afeitar - Broma 😎 Screenshots