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عالم صوفي

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About عالم صوفي

Novel by Sophie Justin Gaarder, a novel about the history of philosophy.

Within a literary framework, Justin Gaarder raises philosophical questions that affect life and existence. This appears through two letters sent to Sophie, the focus of this novel. Their content is brief and unlimited at the same time: “Who are you” asks the first, and “Where did the world come from” asks the second.. Justin starts from these two questions to delve deeply into the history of philosophy, which carries with it philosophies that started from a fundamental point of this existence. Justin dived through Sophie and with philosophers through their thought in an attempt to answer these two questions... within the framework of this novel, which is unlike any other novel.

Quotations from the novel "A Sophie's World" or "A Brief History of Philosophy".

Quotations and excerpts from the novel of a Sufi scholar or a summary of the history of philosophy added by readers to Abjad. Enjoy reading it.

Living in balance and moderation is the only way for a person to know happiness or "harmony".

The mind, like conscience, is like a muscle that, if we do not use it, weakens little by little.

Good, as well as evil, has its natural place in the order of things.

On the wings of love, the soul returns to its abode in the world of ideas, and is freed from the prison of the body.

We are those actors who are pushed by the stage, without giving them a specific role, without a script in hand, without a prompter whispering to them what they should do, that we alone must choose how to live our lives, because we would be afraid if we were content to open a Bible, or one of the books of philosophy To know how we should live

The truth is always on the side of the minority, the public is the enemy of the truth

The closer we get to the cave entrance, the closer we get to the origin of all that exists.

He who does not learn the lessons of the last three thousand years remains in the dark

Going only a small part of the way is not the same as getting lost...

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We wish you an enjoyable reading with Sophie's World novel.

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