Beepul icon


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1,000,000+ downloads

About Beepul

Beepul'da kartadan kartaga pul o'tkazish bor yo'g'i 0.5%.

600 dan ortiq turdagi xizmatlar va kommunal to'lovlarni telefoningiz orqali amalga oshiring.
Qo'shimcha qulaylik uchun "Avtoto'lov" yoki "Mening uyim" funksiyalar mavjud.

Juda ko'p bonuslar!
Beepul orqali to'lovlarni amalga oshiring va BEEP bonuslarga ega bo'ling. To'plangan BEEP'larni internet,
daqiqa va SMS paketlariga almashtiring.
Har oy 1GB bonus oling!
Har bir yangi mijozga 500MB bonus.

Beepul ilovasida ro'yxatdan o'ting va mablag'laringizni oson va qulay boshqaring.

The Beepul app is your trusted wallet

In Beepul, transferring money between cards is only 0.5%.

Pay for more than 600 types of services and utilities through your phone.
For additional convenience, the functions "Autopayment" and "My Home" are provided.

Lots of bonuses!
Make payments with Beepul and get BEEP bonuses that you can exchange for internet packages, minutes and SMS.
Get 1 GB bonus every month!
Bonus 500 MB for every new client.

Register on the Beepul app and manage your funds easily and conveniently

Beepul Screenshots