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Beeline Music & Radio UZ

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1,000,000+ downloads

About Beeline Music & Radio UZ

Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan orqali bepul 4G internet-trafikka ega bo'ling! Ilovada ro'yxatdan o'ting, obunani tanlang va 1Gb 4G internet-trafikni sovg'a sifatida oling! Oson, oddiy va manfaatli!

Endi Siz Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan orqali internet-trafikni sarflamasdan musiqa tinglashingiz mumkin!

15 milliondan ortiq mashhur qo'shiqlar;
· Beeline abonentlari uchun bepul internet-trafik;
Oflayn rejim: telefoningizga musiqa yuklash endi juda oson;
· Shaxsiy tavsiyalar: har kuni yangi musiqa;
Qulay musiqa playeri;
· Yuqori sifatli ovoz - 320 kbp/s mp3;
· Zerikarli reklamalar endi yo'q;
Hammasi zo'r 3.4 tarif rejalaridagi Beeline abonentlariga mutlaqo foydalanish bepul. Batafsil ma'lumotni Ilovada orqali bilib olishingiz mumkin.

Yoshlarbop musiqa playeri ni yuklang va quyidagi imkoniyatlarga ega bo'ling:

♪ Internetsiz musiqa tinglash. Qo'shiqlarni telefon xotirasiga yuklang va ularni istalgan vaqtda tinglang!
♪ O'z ijro ro'yxatini to'plash. "Beeline" da har bir musiqa ixlosmandi uchun musiqa mavjud!
♪ Shaxsiy tavsiyalarni qabul qilish. Yangi musiqa kashf eting, qiziqarli albomlarni toping va boshqa foydalanuvchilarga yoqadigan musiqalarni tinglang!
♪ Yoqtirgan qo'shiqlaringizning matnlarini o'qigan holda qo'shiq kuylang. Ilovada o'zbek va xorijiy ijrochilarning musiqasi va so'zlari mavjud!

Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan

Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan bilan birgalikda musiqa yangi ranglar bilan jaranglaydi! Musiqa playeri ni yuklab oling va sevimli qo'shiqlaringizni istalgan vaqtda va istalgan joyda tinglang! Sinab ko'ring!

Get free 4G internet traffic with Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan! Register in the application, choose a subscription and get 1GB of 4G Internet traffic for free! Easy, simple and profitable!

Listen to millions of songs without spending Internet traffic in Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan!

· More than 15 million popular songs;
· Free Internet traffic for Beeline subscribers;
· Offline mode: downloading music to your phone is now very easy;
· Personal recommendations: new music every day;
· Convenient music player;
· High quality sound - 320 kbps mp3;
No annoying ads;
· Absolutely free access for Beeline subscribers with Hammasi ZO'R 3,4 tariff plans and many others. Find out the details in the app.

Download the youth music player and get the opportunity to:

♪ Listen to music without internet. Download songs to your phone memory and listen to them anytime!
♪ Collect your own playlists. Beeline has music for every music lover!
♪ Get personalized recommendations. Discover new music, find interesting albums and listen to what other users like!
♪ Read the lyrics of your favorite songs and sing along. Music and lyrics of both Uzbek and foreign performers are available in the application!

Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan is the official mobile application with which you can listen to music without limits!

Together with Beeline Music & Radio Uzbekistan, music will sparkle with new colors! Download the music player and listen to your favorite songs anytime, anywhere! Try it!

Beeline Music & Radio UZ Screenshots