For the first time in Uzbekistan, your personal financial assistant.
1) Shows all bank branches and exchange offices in your city
2) Shows the nearest ATMs working with Visa and MasterCard with the lowest interest on withdrawals.
3) Shows the best exchange rates, Central Bank rate, history of exchange rates, currency converter, data on deposits in national currency and USD.
Bankomat is an application that should be installed for every modern resident of Uzbekistan.
Learn about the best deal.
Find the nearest Visa or MasterCard ATM with the lowest withdrawal rate.
Watch for fluctuations in the exchange rate of all currencies.
Compare and choose the most profitable deposits and deposits.
Do everything to profitably manage your finances.
Exchange rates, exchange offices, the most advantageous offers - all this is free.
With love from Uzbekistan!
O’zbekistonda birinchi bor sizga shaxsiy moliyaviy yordamchini taqdim etamiz.
1) Shahringizdagi barcha banklar filiallari va valyuta ayirboshlash shahobchalari ro’yxati.
2) VISA va MasterCard bilan ishlaydigan sizga eng yaqin va pul yechish uchun eng past foizlik bankomatlar ro’yxati. dollar kursi. bepul.
3) Valyuta almashtirish uchun eng yaxshi kurslarni ko’rsatadi, Markaziy Bank kurslari tarixi, valyutalar konverteri, milliy va xorijiy valyutlardagi bank omonatlari haqida ma’lumotlar.
Bankomat - har bir zamonaviy O’zbekistonlik o’rnatishi zarur bo’lgan mobil ilova.
Muhabbat bilan O’zbekistondan!
1) Shows all bank branches and exchange offices in your city
2) Shows the nearest ATMs working with Visa and MasterCard with the lowest interest on withdrawals.
3) Shows the best exchange rates, Central Bank rate, history of exchange rates, currency converter, data on deposits in national currency and USD.
Bankomat is an application that should be installed for every modern resident of Uzbekistan.
Learn about the best deal.
Find the nearest Visa or MasterCard ATM with the lowest withdrawal rate.
Watch for fluctuations in the exchange rate of all currencies.
Compare and choose the most profitable deposits and deposits.
Do everything to profitably manage your finances.
Exchange rates, exchange offices, the most advantageous offers - all this is free.
With love from Uzbekistan!
O’zbekistonda birinchi bor sizga shaxsiy moliyaviy yordamchini taqdim etamiz.
1) Shahringizdagi barcha banklar filiallari va valyuta ayirboshlash shahobchalari ro’yxati.
2) VISA va MasterCard bilan ishlaydigan sizga eng yaqin va pul yechish uchun eng past foizlik bankomatlar ro’yxati. dollar kursi. bepul.
3) Valyuta almashtirish uchun eng yaxshi kurslarni ko’rsatadi, Markaziy Bank kurslari tarixi, valyutalar konverteri, milliy va xorijiy valyutlardagi bank omonatlari haqida ma’lumotlar.
Bankomat - har bir zamonaviy O’zbekistonlik o’rnatishi zarur bo’lgan mobil ilova.
Muhabbat bilan O’zbekistondan!
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