Zamonaviy O'zbekiston uchun yangi mobil ilova!
QR-bek QR kodlarni o'qish uchun eng yaxshi yordamchi.
QR va shtrix kod skaneri, QR kodlar generatori.
O'zbek tilidagi ovozli yordamchi.
Chiroyli va qulay interfeys.
QR-bek yordamida QR kodlarni yaratishni o'rganasiz, QR kodlarni do'stlaringizga yuborishingiz mumkin.
QR kodlarni o'qish uchun eng qulay mobil ilova, faqat bizning yurtdoshlarimiz uchun.
Hozirgi kunda QR kodlarni yurtimiz ko'chalarida, ayniqsa Toshkent shahrida uchratishimiz mumkin. Masalan, ko'cha nomlarida, do'konlarda, reklama bannerlarida QR kodlar ishlatilmoqda.
The new application of modern Uzbekistan!
QR bek - the best assistant to read QR codes.
Voice guidance in the Uzbek language.
Bright and friendly interface.
QR bek teach QR create, send to your friends, read any code.
In the immediate upgrade QR bek be able to create all the codes in the national style.
Best Uzbek application for working with code, especially for the inhabitants of our country.
QR bek, let's do it together Uzbekistan stronger!
-skaner Qr
-skaner Bar-Code
QR-bek QR kodlarni o'qish uchun eng yaxshi yordamchi.
QR va shtrix kod skaneri, QR kodlar generatori.
O'zbek tilidagi ovozli yordamchi.
Chiroyli va qulay interfeys.
QR-bek yordamida QR kodlarni yaratishni o'rganasiz, QR kodlarni do'stlaringizga yuborishingiz mumkin.
QR kodlarni o'qish uchun eng qulay mobil ilova, faqat bizning yurtdoshlarimiz uchun.
Hozirgi kunda QR kodlarni yurtimiz ko'chalarida, ayniqsa Toshkent shahrida uchratishimiz mumkin. Masalan, ko'cha nomlarida, do'konlarda, reklama bannerlarida QR kodlar ishlatilmoqda.
The new application of modern Uzbekistan!
QR bek - the best assistant to read QR codes.
Voice guidance in the Uzbek language.
Bright and friendly interface.
QR bek teach QR create, send to your friends, read any code.
In the immediate upgrade QR bek be able to create all the codes in the national style.
Best Uzbek application for working with code, especially for the inhabitants of our country.
QR bek, let's do it together Uzbekistan stronger!
-skaner Qr
-skaner Bar-Code
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