O’zbekistonda birinchi bor O’rikzor “STROYGOROD” o’zining mobil ilovasini ishga tushirdi.
Barcha turdagi qurilish mollari, arzon va ko’tara narxlar, yetkazib berish hizmati.
Sizga kerakli hamma narsani bozordagi narxlarda uyingizga olib kelishadi. Ishonmaysizmi?
Berol.uz da bir marta buyurtma berib ko’ring va siz umrbod shahar bozorlaridagi tirbandliklardan va noqulayliklardan halos bo’lasiz.
“STROYGOROD”, “Chuqursoy”, “Qo'yliq”, “Bek To'pi”, “Malika” dagi - qurilish mollari, bolalar o’yinchoqlari, Yangi Yil sovg’alari, maishiy texnikalarni bozorlardan arzonroqa qardim
Berol.uz– O’zbekiston bozorlari sening qo’lingda.
Sayt: https://berol.uz
Telegram: @beroltelegram
Telefon: +998712303686, +99899 8837744
For the first time in Uzbekistan, Urikzar "STROYGOROD" launched the official mobile application.
The entire range of building materials, wholesale market prices, delivery.
Everything you need will be brought home, at the same prices as in the bazaar.
Do not believe ? Just try to place an order in Berol.uz and you will forever forget about traffic jams and flea market in Urikzar.
The entire range of STROYGOROD - building materials, light, children's toys and a New Year's gift - all electronics at supplier prices, cheaper than on Malik, right at your place.
Berol.uz - the best bazaars of Uzbekistan in your mobile.
Website: https://berol.uz
Telegram: @beroltelegram
Our contacts: +998712303686, +99899 8837744
Barcha turdagi qurilish mollari, arzon va ko’tara narxlar, yetkazib berish hizmati.
Sizga kerakli hamma narsani bozordagi narxlarda uyingizga olib kelishadi. Ishonmaysizmi?
Berol.uz da bir marta buyurtma berib ko’ring va siz umrbod shahar bozorlaridagi tirbandliklardan va noqulayliklardan halos bo’lasiz.
“STROYGOROD”, “Chuqursoy”, “Qo'yliq”, “Bek To'pi”, “Malika” dagi - qurilish mollari, bolalar o’yinchoqlari, Yangi Yil sovg’alari, maishiy texnikalarni bozorlardan arzonroqa qardim
Berol.uz– O’zbekiston bozorlari sening qo’lingda.
Sayt: https://berol.uz
Telegram: @beroltelegram
Telefon: +998712303686, +99899 8837744
For the first time in Uzbekistan, Urikzar "STROYGOROD" launched the official mobile application.
The entire range of building materials, wholesale market prices, delivery.
Everything you need will be brought home, at the same prices as in the bazaar.
Do not believe ? Just try to place an order in Berol.uz and you will forever forget about traffic jams and flea market in Urikzar.
The entire range of STROYGOROD - building materials, light, children's toys and a New Year's gift - all electronics at supplier prices, cheaper than on Malik, right at your place.
Berol.uz - the best bazaars of Uzbekistan in your mobile.
Website: https://berol.uz
Telegram: @beroltelegram
Our contacts: +998712303686, +99899 8837744
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