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Learn Sanskrit Nouns Subanta's

murugaian sathiyamoorthy
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About Learn Sanskrit Nouns Subanta's

Sanskrit Noun Declension - Vibhakti learner is a compact source of declensions for about 700 words and around 1600 tables of 7 Cases, 3 Genders, 3 Numbers. The declension tables are formatted for clean and easy to read.

This App requires Sanskrit /Devanagari input so Google Indic keyboard or similar required.

Usage Notes: 1. The app starts by showing a dropdown list of nouns. 2. user to choose one. 3. Results list appears nouns + available gender (linga) (default: all 3 linga).4. to speed up finding the word, Enter the first letter and Click search. 4. click on the word shows the vibhakti / noun declension table in a new page.4. to go back to the list again use 'back'

Additionally any missing/unavailable can be searched and viewed (Requires Internet connection).
Online Source of data and credit goes to JNU and other Sanskrit promoting organizations.
Even though the data sources are reliable and reputed, there may be some chances of error in data as well as presentation. Please comment, rate and support after your try.

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