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Sindpetshop Ceará

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About Sindpetshop Ceará

SINDPETSHOP-CE was created after observing the numerous stores and clinics that work with this segment in Ceará. We realized that the quality of treatment with their customers, in this case, our beloved pets, was commendable. However, one thing they lacked, the attention to the people who make this machine work – the worker.
Well, that's where the need and desire to formalize and organize our category of employees arose. A challenge to be followed over the days that followed.
Today, even though, with only 3 years of creation, we are pleased to present a union that is, every day, conquering its base. We are seeking, through dialogue, to ensure better working conditions. We understand that it is not just about salaries, but mainly about a safe environment that meets the legal requirements and needs of its employees.
We are here, dialoguing and serving with responsibility and ethics to advance further!

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