STIS Statistics Polytechnic is an official college within the Central Bureau of Statistics. Functionally the development of the STIS Statistics Polytechnic is carried out by the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics, but technically academic development is carried out by the minister administering government affairs in the field of higher education in this case the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
The STIS Statistics Polytechnic which is known today has a long history in its formation, starting with the founding of the Academy of Statistics (AIS) to becoming the STIS Statistics Polytechnic as it is now. On August 11, 1958, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia at that time, Ir. H. Djuanda, issued Decree No. 377/PM/1958 regarding the establishment of the Academy of Statistics. The main objective of AIS education is to educate statistical activity staff at the semi-expert level who are able to carry out and develop national statistics. Three years later, AIS has produced graduates. Initially, AIS received funding and expert assistance from the United Nations (UN). Assistance is channeled through the Statistical Research and Development Center, an institution established by the Government of Indonesia c.q. The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) collaborates with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
In 1964 BPS opened a College of Statistics (PTIS) with students consisting of AIS graduates and lecturers from the United Nations. The goal is to improve education for AIS graduates. However, in 1965 this assistance stopped because Indonesia left the UN, and since then PTIS was closed. Even though PTIS is no longer in operation, AIS continues to carry out the educational process.
With the approval of the Directorate General of Higher Education (Directorate General of Higher Education) through Letter No. 295/D/T/97 dated 24 February 1997 regarding the permission for the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) to organize a Diploma IV Education Program, then issued Presidential Decree No. 163 of 1998 concerning STIS under the auspices of BPS, since then STIS has been established with two majors, namely the Statistics department and the Statistics Computing department.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education states that Higher Education is a Higher Education institution that organizes academic education and can carry out vocational education in a certain science and/or technology cluster and if it meets the requirements, high schools can organize professional education. Thus, the institutional form of Higher Education is no longer suitable for STIS which do not provide academic education. Therefore, STIS changed its institutional form to become a Polytechnic which is a Tertiary Education Institution that organizes vocational education in various science and/or technology clusters and if the requirements are met, polytechnics can organize professional education.
The STIS Statistics Polytechnic which is known today has a long history in its formation, starting with the founding of the Academy of Statistics (AIS) to becoming the STIS Statistics Polytechnic as it is now. On August 11, 1958, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia at that time, Ir. H. Djuanda, issued Decree No. 377/PM/1958 regarding the establishment of the Academy of Statistics. The main objective of AIS education is to educate statistical activity staff at the semi-expert level who are able to carry out and develop national statistics. Three years later, AIS has produced graduates. Initially, AIS received funding and expert assistance from the United Nations (UN). Assistance is channeled through the Statistical Research and Development Center, an institution established by the Government of Indonesia c.q. The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) collaborates with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
In 1964 BPS opened a College of Statistics (PTIS) with students consisting of AIS graduates and lecturers from the United Nations. The goal is to improve education for AIS graduates. However, in 1965 this assistance stopped because Indonesia left the UN, and since then PTIS was closed. Even though PTIS is no longer in operation, AIS continues to carry out the educational process.
With the approval of the Directorate General of Higher Education (Directorate General of Higher Education) through Letter No. 295/D/T/97 dated 24 February 1997 regarding the permission for the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) to organize a Diploma IV Education Program, then issued Presidential Decree No. 163 of 1998 concerning STIS under the auspices of BPS, since then STIS has been established with two majors, namely the Statistics department and the Statistics Computing department.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education states that Higher Education is a Higher Education institution that organizes academic education and can carry out vocational education in a certain science and/or technology cluster and if it meets the requirements, high schools can organize professional education. Thus, the institutional form of Higher Education is no longer suitable for STIS which do not provide academic education. Therefore, STIS changed its institutional form to become a Polytechnic which is a Tertiary Education Institution that organizes vocational education in various science and/or technology clusters and if the requirements are met, polytechnics can organize professional education.
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