MWalls - material u wallpapers icon

MWalls - material u wallpapers

4.6 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About MWalls - material u wallpapers

-Get notified every time wallpapers are added
-You don't need to update the app on playstore to get new wallpapers as it's cloud-based
- Material You UI (Android 12)
-Themes (The app is dark themed by default but you can select between dark, light and black AMOLED themes)
-Collections to find wallpapers by category
-Favourites tab to save the wallpapers that you like the most
-Exclusive design for the wallpapers.

-Download option: it's disabled for security and privacy reasons, if you want to rescale or set the wallpaper your way just use the "Set with" option (tap on "Apply" and then select "Set with...")
-Share/use wallpapers: you are free to use these wallpapers for you or even for setups, just don't share outside the app, otherwise you will be banned from the apps/groups of my domain.

Credits to Jahir Fiquitiva for his amazing work on the "Frames" dashboard.

MWalls - material u wallpapers Screenshots