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Haciendo jabón curso completo,

Victor M. Martinez Becerril
5+ downloads

About Haciendo jabón curso completo,

Making soap full course is delivered in the mobile application Android format.

Making soap at home is an activity that very easily becomes a family business and we preserve that of our family and ours.

The demand for non-industrialized soaps and preferably created with natural ingredients and processed at home is increasing as a result of diseases and conditions that are clearly caused by the use of chemical products (not natural), not only found in commercial soaps , they are also in many of the industrialized personal cleansing products.

The large soap companies extract the precious glycerin during the mass manufacture of soaps with the purpose of obtaining greater profits, selling it to the manufacturers of explosives and other industrial products.

By removing the glycerin from commercial soaps, practically what they are selling us are detergents without any beneficial quality for our skin and by adding preservatives, foaming agents and industrial dyes to their mixture of ingredients, they are frankly products that make us sick and that we should all to refuse.

In many countries in Europe these industrially created personal cleaning products, which include harmful ingredients, are banned and out of the market.

I give you a list of those harmful ingredients that you find in soaps, toothpaste, baby powder, deodorants, etc.

Ethanol-amines (tri-, di-, mono-): It is used as a foaming agent and causes poor eye development in children, cataracts and delayed wound recovery. It can also cause cancer by accumulation.

Sodium lauryl sulfate or another similar name. It is used to foam products. Penetrates through our skin. It causes diseases of the liver, heart, lungs and brain. Delays hair growth and increases your loss. Highly carcinogenic Just a wash so that its residues are present in our blood system for 5 days

Propylene glycol: Highly irritating to the skin. Dry skin, itching, dermatitis, kidney damage and liver diseases. It is used in moisturizers, creams and some cosmetics.

Parabens: preservatives. Do not believe that your cosmetics can be years in a shop window or in the cabinets of your home without decomposing ?. Parabens cause high incidence of breast cancer, male fetal damage (feminization), testicular cancer, abnormalities in sperm. They resemble sex hormones.

Phalatos: You find them in hair fixers, nail varnish, and artificial fragrances, and in many children's toys, even in baby bottles. Liver damage, renal lungs and male reproductive system.

Fragrances and artificial dyes: Avoid FD & C, D & C, followed by a color and number. Fragrances, without another name, mean they are synthetic, do not use them.

Definitively eliminate all these poisons and the consequences of their use and also save money (or generate it if you transform it into a business), it is possible if we dedicate a bit of our time in learning to make natural soap at home. That is the purpose of this short course that we have called "Doing Soap At Home, complete course"

When you have "downloaded to your mobile Android" this course IN THE FORM OF A PAYMENT APP "Doing Soap At Home, full course", you will find in the same application a very special bonus. It is the course that we usually sell at $ 27.90 Dlls and that is being delivered completely free. With this you will be able to have the entire course on your computer, this will make it much easier for you to follow it more comfortably.

We hope you enjoy making your own Natural Soaps At Home as much as we have done for more than 8 years.

Of your friends
Luz Alicia González P and Víctor M. Martínez Becerril

Haciendo jabón curso completo, Screenshots