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Runes Divination 3D

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About Runes Divination 3D

It's the first realistic Runes Divination in your phone! Forget about costly Astrological reports, boring Runic divination and hard Tarot readings. Interpret the realistic 3D runes ON YOUR OWN!

All rune spreads in the app are as effective as in real life. You can draw a single stone or choose a 4-, 7-, or 13-rune spread. Set your mind to the ritual, abandon all unrelated thoughts, then shake your runes out of the chest, and get an immediate answer to your question.

Breathe in, focus on your question, and the rune will give you an answer.

This spread is perfect when you need to quickly size up your situation. With its help, you can dig deeper into yourself and discover a solution for almost any issue.

If you need closure on a past event, want some help with a decision, or are unsure of what energies surround you at the moment, this spread is your choice. Ask a basic open-ended question and get immediate insight into your situation.

The 13-rune spread is associated with a clock face: 12 runes surround and help shape the interpretation of the 13th, which predicts the future. This spread does not need a question from you, but it will give you insights into every aspect of your life.

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