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About Intelligenius

Intelligenius offers a series of quick IQ tests that can help you assess your thinking abilities in 5 categories: visual, verbal, logical, analytical, and working memory. Forget overly complicated worksheets and impossible questions! You want to put your brain to the test AND have fun in the process!

General IQ Test
You will start with the most general assessment – a 30-minute test that allows you to check all five types of thinking at once. The test has a time limit, so if a question feels overwhelming, just skip it and return to it later. If the time runs out before you have a chance to answer all the questions, you can delete your progress and retake the test.
Once you have completed the general test, a series of specific tests will be unlocked, one by one.

Visual Thinking Test
Your visual thinking is responsible for processing information as a series of pictures. The questions in this test will contain shapes, lines, and all sorts of images, so you’d better keep your eyes open.

Verbal Thinking Test
Your verbal reasoning is the ability to make deductions from text. The questions in this section will contain a short passage for you to interpret and then give your answer.

Logical Thinking Test
Your logical thinking is basically your problem-solving ability. This test will require you to reason and come to conclusions, and the questions in it will give the preconditions for those conclusions.

Analytical Thinking Test
Your analytical thinking helps you find patterns in the given information or make inferences based on it. This specialized test will offer you a number of situations to scrutinize, break down, and solve.

Working Memory Test
Your working memory enables you to use, manipulate and perform complex tasks on numbers, letters, and items you need to remember and process. The test’s questions will offer you several elements that you will have to retain in your brain in order to come up with an answer.

All tests in the app are as effective and accurate as an IQ test can be. Your test results will be presented as a chart with percentages and recommendations.

Please note: you need to make sure that you are up to the challenge: feeling rested, relaxed, and ready to focus. Exhaustion, tension, or even low spirits can affect your performance.

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